
Caterpillars are fascinating creatures that undergo metamorphosis to become beautiful butterflies or moths. However, not all caterpillars are harmless. In the UK, there are several species of caterpillars that possess venomous spines or hairs which can cause severe reactions in humans. In this article, we will explore the most poisonous caterpillars found in the UK.

The Oak Processionary Moth Caterpillar

The Oak Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoea processionea) caterpillar is one of the most dangerous caterpillars found in the UK. Its body is covered in tiny poisonous hairs that can cause skin rashes, itching, and even difficulty breathing if they come into contact with humans. The caterpillars are commonly found on oak trees and are known for moving in long processions, hence their name.

The Brown-tail Moth Caterpillar

The Brown-tail Moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea) caterpillar is another venomous species found in the UK. It has distinctive white markings on its brown body and is covered in tiny barbed hairs that can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Contact with these caterpillars should be avoided to prevent any health complications.

The Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

The Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar) caterpillar is not native to the UK but has been introduced into the country. It has a voracious appetite and can cause damage to trees and plants. The caterpillar’s hairs can cause severe allergic reactions in humans, including skin irritation, respiratory problems, and eye inflammation.

Prevention and Treatment

To avoid coming into contact with the poisonous caterpillars, it is advisable to stay away from infested areas and avoid direct contact with caterpillars or their nests. If accidental contact does occur, the affected area should be washed with soap and water, and a topical corticosteroid cream can be applied to reduce itching and inflammation. In more severe cases, medical attention may be necessary to manage the symptoms.


While caterpillars are fascinating creatures, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers they can pose. The Oak Processionary Moth, Brown-tail Moth, and Gypsy Moth caterpillars are some of the most poisonous species found in the UK. Stay informed and take necessary precautions to avoid any unpleasant encounters with these venomous caterpillars.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are all caterpillars in the UK poisonous?

A: No, not all caterpillars in the UK are poisonous. Only certain species possess venomous spines or hairs that can cause harm to humans.

Q: Can the venomous caterpillars cause long-term health issues?

A: In most cases, the symptoms caused by venomous caterpillars are temporary and can be effectively treated. However, individuals with severe allergic reactions may experience more long-term health issues.

Q: How can I identify venomous caterpillars?

A: Venomous caterpillars often have distinctive markings or characteristics. It is best to consult a field guide or seek expert advice to correctly identify these species.

Q: What should I do if I come into contact with a venomous caterpillar?

A: If you accidentally touch a venomous caterpillar, wash the affected area with soap and water, and seek medical advice if you experience severe symptoms or an allergic reaction.



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